[Isis-users] problems with converting excel database to winisis

Ambika ambika at arrow.org.my
Tue Mar 1 08:47:52 CET 2011

Dear all,

I have tried to convert an excel database using IsisAscii. I am not sure 
what I am doing wrong because while the data has been exported but the 
fields have not been set up. I tried using the quotes to separate the 
fields in order of it to be recognized when the fdts were being created 
automatically by IsisAscii. When I open the database the fields appear 
as the 1st record. While I can see the the mst, fdt, pft, fst etc.files 
are there when I open them in the database they appear as empty.

Steps I followed:
1. In the excel sheet created all the fields the organisation wanted in 
their database
2. converted the xls file to csv
3. opened the csv and used "" to separate the fields and saved file
4. used IsisAscii to save and import the file to mst

Can anyone help me and let me know what I am possibly doing wrong. 
Should I first create the database? If so then how do I import the file 
as I understand only iso files can be imported.

Eagerly looking for some help.


Ambika Varma
Programme Officer, Information and Documentation
Asian-Pacific Resource&  Research Centre for Women (ARROW)
Nos. 1&  2 Jalan Scott, Brickfields
50470 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Telephone Nos.: +603.2273.9913 to 15
Fax No: +603.2273.9916
Website: www.arrow.org.my
Email: ambika at arrow.org.my

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