[Isis-users] RES: RES: Records appears in a wrong database

Cátia Martins Jorge Murata cmj at mattosfilho.com.br
Tue Dec 4 18:56:33 CET 2012

Olá, Spinaker!

a)    Sim. Cada usuário tem um nome/senha diferente, porém pertencem ao mesmo perfil

b)    a base fotos foi uma base nova, criada diretamente no ABCD. A base Prospecto era Isis e foi migrada para o ABCD.

Muito obrigada!

De: isis-users-bounces em iccisis.org [mailto:isis-users-bounces em iccisis.org] Em nome de spinaker
Enviada em: terça-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2012 15:42
Para: isis-users em iccisis.org
Assunto: Re: [Isis-users] RES: Records appears in a wrong database

Prezada Cátia

Dois perguntas

a) Cada usuário tiene nome/senha diferente?
b) Como criaron as bases de dados, copiando de bases pre-existentes? ou cada uma independentemente?
   poderíamos ver as FDTs si elas comparten arquivos por embaixo?

Ernesto Spinak

El 04/12/2012 14:08, Cátia Martins Jorge Murata escribió:

Hi, Egbert.

I'm really worry about it.

Actually it happened twice today. The User A was working in his computer in 'Prospecto' database and the User B was working in his computer in 'Foto' database. Then the records of Foto database appeared in Prospecto database, while user B was browsing in a search result and the records of Prospecto database appeared in Foto database, in user A computer.

Is your ABCD server using the $wxisUrl variable (meaning it works with CGI not the direct exec-calls to run wxis) in config.php ?

Yes. My ABCD is using the $wxisUrl variable.

I suppose 'working at the same time in 2 different databases' means : editing records in 2 databases at the same time?

Yes. But 2 different users in 2 different computer.

Always the same 2 databases or different combinations ?

It just happened in these two database I mentioned.

Thanks a lot!


-----Mensagem original-----
De: De Smet Egbert [mailto:egbert.desmet em ua.ac.be]
Enviada em: terça-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2012 13:22
Para: Cátia Martins Jorge Murata; isis-users em iccisis.org<mailto:isis-users em iccisis.org>
Assunto: RE: Records appears in a wrong database


this seems like a serious problem requiring full attention, no matter how unlikely it is in principle to happen (the name of the database is always sent over as part of the URL and can hardly go lost or mixed up).

The problem is to re-construct the problem as it involves emulating different user-sessions and databases.

So if you say the problem occurs 'sometimes', can you be more specific ? Is that 'regularly' or rather exceptionally ? Is your ABCD server using the $wxisUrl variable (meaning it works with CGI not the direct exec-calls to run wxis) in config.php ?

I suppose 'working at the same time in 2 different databases' means : editing records in 2 databases at the same time ? Always the same 2 databases or different combinations ?

To the larger community : did anybody else experience this problem ?

Egbert de Smet


Universiteit Antwerpen


From: isis-users-bounces em iccisis.org<mailto:isis-users-bounces em iccisis.org> [isis-users-bounces em iccisis.org<mailto:isis-users-bounces em iccisis.org>] on behalf of Cátia Martins Jorge Murata [cmj em mattosfilho.com.br<mailto:cmj em mattosfilho.com.br>]

Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2012 3:15 PM

To: isis-users em iccisis.org<mailto:isis-users em iccisis.org>

Subject: [Isis-users] Records appears in a wrong database

Hi, colleagues!

I have many databases in ABCD and sometimes when 2 users are working at the same time in 2 differents databases (A and B), the records of database A appears in database B and vice-versa. Could you help me?




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  | |  Ernesto Spinak                | |

  | |  spinaker em adinet.com.uy<mailto:spinaker em adinet.com.uy>        | |

  | |  Montevideo, Uruguay           | |

  | |  tel/fax  (598) 2622-3352      | |

  | |  celular  (598) 99612238      | |


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