[Isis-users] J-ISIS English and Spanish version, +bug fix

Jean-Claude Dauphin jc.dauphin at gmail.com
Tue Jun 26 19:35:07 CEST 2012

Dear CDS-ISIS users,

Please find for your consideration a new intermediate release of J-ISIS.


1) Thanks to Ernesto Spinak, this release can be run in Spanish as well as
in English. Most of the GUI text is translated, however some text not yet
externalized from the source code has not been translated.

How to run J-ISIS in Spanish:


You can run J-ISIS in Spanish version by editing the
*jisis_suite.conf*file which is in the
*/etc/ folder* of the J-ISIS installation:

Edit the *jisis_suite.conf* file which is in the */etc/ folder*, and change
the command line switches:

# command line switches
default_options="--branding jisis_suite -J-Xms512m -J-Xmx1024m
-J-Duser.language=*en*  -J-Duser.country=*EN*
-J-Dnetbeans.logger.console=true -J-ea -J-Dsun.awt.disableMixing=true"

Change the country code from English to Spanish as follow:

# command line switches
default_options="--branding jisis_suite -J-Xms512m -J-Xmx1024m
-J-Duser.language=*es*  -J-Duser.country=*ES*
-J-Dnetbeans.logger.console=true -J-ea -J-Dsun.awt.disableMixing=true"

Save the *jisis_suite.conf* file and restart J-ISIS

2) The LesserThan ("<") and GreterThan (">")  characters of HTML tags
stored in fields was wrongly replaced by the HTML entities (<) and
(&gt). Thus displaying HTML stored in a field with ISIS Print Format was
not interpreted as HTML and displayed as Plain Text.

This is corrected, HTML text stored in fields are now correctly displayed

All your comments, suggestions, improvement requests and bug descriptions
are welcome.

With my best wishes,


Jean-Claude Dauphin

jc.dauphin at gmail.com
jc.dauphin at afus.unesco.org

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