[Isis-users] isis-users Digest, Vol 32, Issue 12

De Smet Egbert egbert.desmet at ua.ac.be
Fri Jun 21 19:29:30 CEST 2013


since you are on this list, you might have noticed today's earlier messages about where to download the new version for testing (http://abcd.netcat.be/files). Some installation instructions are available but the real manual(s) are lagging behind as they are still on the previous version. 
We are working on that.

Egbert de Smet
Universiteit Antwerpen
From: isis-users-bounces at iccisis.org [isis-users-bounces at iccisis.org] on behalf of Pawan Kumar Gupta [pawan.jp at gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, June 21, 2013 6:24 PM
To: isis-users at iccisis.org
Subject: Re: [Isis-users] isis-users Digest, Vol 32, Issue 12

Dear professionals,
I wish to install ABCD on 64 bit Windows7. Can I get suggestion as to from where and what files of ABCD I should download. Please also explain the process of installation. I shall be grateful.

On 21 June 2013 15:30, <isis-users-request at iccisis.org<mailto:isis-users-request at iccisis.org>> wrote:
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Today's Topics:

   1. Acceso Abierto por Unesco (spinaker)
   2. Re: installation ABCD (Silva, Asael Costa da (BIR))
   3. download URL for testing ABCD version 1.2transitional
      (English) (De Smet Egbert)
   4. Instrucciones para descargar la nueva versi?n de ABCD v1.2t
      (De Smet Egbert)
   5. download URL for testing ABCD version 1.2transitional
      (English) (De Smet Egbert)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 13:36:21 -0300
From: spinaker <spinaker at adinet.com.uy<mailto:spinaker at adinet.com.uy>>
To: reddes bvs-tech <reddes.bvs-tech at listas.bireme.br<mailto:reddes.bvs-tech at listas.bireme.br>>,
        "isis-users at iccisis.org<mailto:isis-users at iccisis.org>" <isis-users at iccisis.org<mailto:isis-users at iccisis.org>>
Subject: [Isis-users] Acceso Abierto por Unesco
Message-ID: <51C32F85.3030205 at adinet.com.uy<mailto:51C32F85.3030205 at adinet.com.uy>>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; Format="flowed"

Creo que es de inter?s a la lista
Finalmente, con muchos a?os de retraso la Unesco toma acci?n a favor del
Acceso Abierto y software open source

Una vez m?s se muestra que Bireme y SciELO han sido pioneros y ejemplos
muy avanzados sobre la cooperaci?n regional e institucional a fuentes de
informaci?n abiertas.
Habr?a que aclarar que Unesco NO es el primer miembro de Naciones
Unidas, Bireme como parte de OPS/WHO ha estado haciendo esto mismo por
muchos a?os y deber?a recibir el reconocimiento que le corresponde. Han
sido pioneros (hemos sido pioneros)

Esperemos que ese liderazgo no se pierda

Ernesto Spinak

      Las publicaciones de la UNESCO, disponibles de forma gratuita como
      parte de la nueva pol?tica de acceso abierto de la Organizaci?n

Open access

        La UNESCO pondr? sus publicaciones digitales a disposici?n de
        millones de personas alrededor del mundo, sin costo y con
        licencia abierta. Tras la decisi?n adoptada por el Consejo
        Ejecutivo de la Organizaci?n en abril, la UNESCO se convierte en
        el primer miembro de las Naciones Unidas en adoptar una pol?tica
        de Acceso Abierto para sus publicaciones. La nueva pol?tica
        significa que cualquier persona podr? descargar, traducir,
        adaptar, distribuir y volver a compartir las publicaciones y los
        datos de la UNESCO sin costo alguno.

Janis Karklins, Subdirector General de Comunicaci?n e Informaci?n de la
UNESCO, anunci? la nueva pol?tica durante la inauguraci?n del Foro de la
Cumbre Mundial sobre la Sociedad de la Informaci?n, el 13 de mayo en
Ginebra: "Investigadores de todos los pa?ses, pero principalmente de
pa?ses en desarrollo y pa?ses menos desarrollados se beneficiar?n y
capitalizar?n el acceso abierto al conocimiento", dijo. "Nuestra nueva
pol?tica nos permitir? incrementar la visibilidad, accesibilidad y la
r?pida distribuci?n de nuestras publicaciones", agreg?.

Con la adopci?n de esta nueva pol?tica, la UNESCO alinea su pr?ctica a
su labor de promoci?n en favor del acceso abierto y refuerza su
compromiso con el acceso universal a la informaci?n y el conocimiento.

El movimiento Acceso Abierto naci? en la comunidad cient?fica para hacer
frente a los crecientes costos de la literatura cient?fica, esencial
para los investigadores. Un amplio grupo de universidades, instituciones
y gobiernos apoyan esta iniciativa, alternativa al modelo tradicional de
difusi?n del conocimiento a trav?s de costosas revistas acad?micas.

A partir de julio de 2013, ser? posible descargar libremente cientos de
publicaciones digitales de la UNESCO a trav?s de un nuevo Repositorio de
Acceso Abierto (Open Access Repository) que dispondr? de una interfaz
multiling?e. Todas las nuevas publicaciones se difundir?n con licencia
abierta. La UNESCO tambi?n busca la manera de aplicarla de forma
retroactiva, es decir, proporcionar licencia abierta a obras ya
publicadas. Las publicaciones para las que la UNESCO firm? acuerdos
especiales con las editoriales colaboradoras no se ver?n afectados en un
primer tiempo. En todo caso, se animar? a que las editoriales externaas
se adhieran a esta nueva pol?tica.

Al defender el acceso abierto a las publicaciones, la UNESCO refuerza
uno de los objetivos fundamentales de una organizaci?n
intergubernamental: asegurarse de que el conocimiento que cree est? a
disposici?n del p?blico de la manera m?s amplia posible.

El texto completo de la nueva pol?tica de libre acceso a las
publicaciones de la UNESCO puede consultarse aqu?.

La nueva pol?tica de publicaciones est? en l?nea con la estrategia de
libre acceso a la informaci?n cient?fica
la UNESCO y con la promoci?n de los recursos educativos abiertos
y de los programas inform?ticos gratuitos y de c?digo abierto.


   .^.                                .^.
   ( )                                ( )
   ===                                ===
   | |  Ernesto Spinak                | |
   | |  spinaker at adinet.com.uy<mailto:spinaker at adinet.com.uy>        | |
   | |  Montevideo, Uruguay           | |
   | |  tel/fax  (598) 2622-3352      | |
   | |  celular  (598) 99612238      | |
   ===                                ===
   ( )                                ( )
    V                                  V

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Message: 2
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 14:38:57 +0000
From: "Silva, Asael Costa da (BIR)" <silvaasa at bireme.ops-oms.org<mailto:silvaasa at bireme.ops-oms.org>>
To: De Smet Egbert <egbert.desmet at ua.ac.be<mailto:egbert.desmet at ua.ac.be>>,
        "alex.duin at bonairegov.com<mailto:alex.duin at bonairegov.com>"      <alex.duin at bonairegov.com<mailto:alex.duin at bonairegov.com>>,
        "isis-users at iccisis.org<mailto:isis-users at iccisis.org>" <isis-users at iccisis.org<mailto:isis-users at iccisis.org>>
Subject: Re: [Isis-users] installation ABCD
        <1033BC3A4D134142AA9227FCA84DE7170A9EEE6F at HQ-EXCH-MB01.wdc.paho.org<mailto:1033BC3A4D134142AA9227FCA84DE7170A9EEE6F at HQ-EXCH-MB01.wdc.paho.org>>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"

Dear Alex

It is also important to notice that Apache 2.0 is differente than the required web server for ABCD which is Apache 2.2.x
Appart from those concerns on which Apache version is running, may I ask you if you have a firewall or proxy that can interfere with web flow based on ports being used?


Asael Costa Silva

System Analyst



From: isis-users-bounces at iccisis.org<mailto:isis-users-bounces at iccisis.org> [isis-users-bounces at iccisis.org<mailto:isis-users-bounces at iccisis.org>] on behalf of De Smet Egbert [egbert.desmet at ua.ac.be<mailto:egbert.desmet at ua.ac.be>]
Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2013 4:40
To: alex.duin at bonairegov.com<mailto:alex.duin at bonairegov.com>; isis-users at iccisis.org<mailto:isis-users at iccisis.org>
Subject: Re: [Isis-users] installation ABCD


ABCD has been installed on 32-bits computers so many times that we have to assume that the problem is specific for your situation. Also the fact that already Apache is installed should not prevent it to run well.
But : if you have installed ABCD from the ZIP-package, it comes with its own Apache (in a dedicated subfolder) already pre-configured. Depending on the installed version this could be using a virtual host or not.
The principle is that ABCD can run as any other website if Apache knows about it (meaning : it knows about the DocumentRoot (htdocs) and alias cgi-bin) on any defined port. In the Windows installation package we normally use 9090 so as to allow running it aside existing Apache running on port 80.
To be able to further help you we would need some more details however, esp. on your existing Apache installation and configuration.
How are you starting ABCD ? Using ABCD's Apache or the one you already have installed before ? Did you put anything like VirtualHost or a ports.conf file including port 9090 ?

Egbert de Smet
Universiteit Antwerpen
From: isis-users-bounces at iccisis.org<mailto:isis-users-bounces at iccisis.org> [isis-users-bounces at iccisis.org<mailto:isis-users-bounces at iccisis.org>] on behalf of Alex Duin [alex.duin at bonairegov.com<mailto:alex.duin at bonairegov.com>]
Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2013 2:12 PM
To: isis-users at iccisis.org<mailto:isis-users at iccisis.org>
Subject: [Isis-users] installation ABCD


I am trying to install ABCD on a 32 bits computer.

Apache2.0 already installed, it?s trying to reach localhost to get the database running.

This however doesn?t work. Any tips ?


Best Regards,


Alex Duin
Directie Bedrijfsvoering en Ondersteuning
Afdeling ICT

Phone: (599)-717-5330
Mobiel: (599)-782-1070
Fax:  (599)-717-7136
E-mail: alex.duin at bonairegov.com<mailto:alex.duin at bonairegov.com>

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Thank you.


Message: 3
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 07:48:06 +0000
From: De Smet Egbert <egbert.desmet at ua.ac.be<mailto:egbert.desmet at ua.ac.be>>
To: "isis-users at iccisis.org<mailto:isis-users at iccisis.org>" <isis-users at iccisis.org<mailto:isis-users at iccisis.org>>
Subject: [Isis-users] download URL for testing ABCD version
        1.2transitional (English)
        <7A31013ECEFE9A47B6A502B4A259260B01562CDB38 at xmail31.ad.ua.ac.be<mailto:7A31013ECEFE9A47B6A502B4A259260B01562CDB38 at xmail31.ad.ua.ac.be>>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"

Dear colleagues,

we have made the files available for downloading ABCD v1.2t at the URL :

This page presents all 5 variations and leads to a short form to be filled in - which allows us to get an idea of who is downloading.
After filling in the form (only doing this seriously will give us real information to share !) the download link will pop up.
Beware : depending on variation chosen, the package is in between 62 and 76 Mb size. If this poses severe problems for many users, we will see if the packages can be divided up into smaller chunks, e.g. Apache/PHP separately, WWW separately and bases separately.

As this is the first time we avail ABCD from a non-BIREME server we have no experience with the load on the server this page will create, so bear with us if things might go a bit slow or the server is not always responding immediately.
Also be aware of the fact that the whole system now is over 166000 folders/files (!), and multiply this with some different computer environments (Windows, Linux, 32-bits, 64bits...), so : no, we didn't check again every single file, sorry. That is why we need feedback from voluntary testers in real conditions.

Attached to this message goes a document with some instructions. It is recommended to read it first, esp. the section on how to install ABCD along with your possibly existing files.
Your experiences, both with downloading and installing and then later on with using the new version, will be very useful if shared in this discussion list !

Egbert de Smet
Universiteit Antwerpen
From: isis-users-bounces at iccisis.org<mailto:isis-users-bounces at iccisis.org> [isis-users-bounces at iccisis.org<mailto:isis-users-bounces at iccisis.org>] on behalf of spinaker [spinaker at adinet.com.uy<mailto:spinaker at adinet.com.uy>]
Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2013 9:06 PM
To: isis-users at iccisis.org<mailto:isis-users at iccisis.org>
Subject: [Isis-users] ABCD - release of version 1.2t (transitional) -   pre-release

la versi?n en espa?ol se envi? en un mensaje por separado
Dear colleagues

We are preparing to publish 1.2t ABCD version (beta) for all interested in the list to see how this version fixes and incorporates a lot of (new) features and functions.

We have had three rounds of tests with the help of a dozen people since last November, and we have reached a point where we thought it best to submit to a more general level and demanding tests by all colleagues who wish to do so.

This version will be in beta for a few weeks while we verify the reports and comments you make. Finally we will then post it as an official version and will replace the current version.

The download can be done from an address that Egbert communicate this weekend, so you can access it from next Monday.
To download the file you will be requested to fill in a form for the sole purpose of having a record of what people are working and which might be possible collaborators.

It will be available for Windows and Linux. The Windows version comes with Apache 2.4 and PHP 5.3 pre-configured. For Linux the configuration is to be done in the dedicated Apache installation (/etc/apache2).
In the download package some setup instructions will be given.

It is assumed that people who download the application will have previously installed and gained some previous experience with ABCD, and/or have some computer knowledge.

As it is not the final version, we have no ability to give basic support for the installation of ABCD to people without the necessary skills, that kind of support will be published after the official version. What we are asking is a review by our ISIS-community colleagues with some level of expertise, and there are many, as we know.

ABCD Version 1.2 features
? PHP v.5.3.11 compiled with Yaz compatible with Apache 2.2 and 2.4

? MARC21 - new version simplified FDT and Data Entry, with clean records
  check translations please

? New OPAC ABCD Site, version 5.3.1 of VHL of Bireme
    - New editor of ABCD Site  user: admbvs  pswd: adm at bvs

There is documentation in part (in Spanish only for the time being) at this URL:

? some fine tuning to work with new versions of browsers (not 100% but almost there)

? Multiple database folders using C:\ABCD\www\dbpath.dat

? Configuration
    - Parameterization: new parameters in config.php
    - declaration of isisac.tab and isisuc.tab in the file dbn.par
    - The use of syspar.par with file locations common to all databases
    - Settings/Folder Management for managing digital images and documents linked to records

? Field Definition Table, entry fields and formats
    - Text fields with fixed length character counter
    - Management of fields with the first subfield mandatory but without subfield delimiter
    - New handling of repeatable fields with subfields
    - New management options for date fields
    - Management fields whose first subfield is optional

? Data Entry
    - Entry Format improved with added options in the field definition table
    - Manage picklists or selection menus from the record editing process itself for administrators
    - Improved validation of records
    - Improved format Begin validation
    - Improved format End validation
    - Addition of a check format for validation when deleting records
    - Edition of display format of the record within the data entry interface
    - Add javascripts to display formats of records
    - Add multiple fields simultaneously from a database associated with a field
    - Copy current record to the end of the database
    - Add zeros (or not) to the left of the control field up to a fixed number of digits
    - The database picklist presents the full length term as pop-up when pointed with the mouse in order to differentiate terms longer than 60 chars.
    - If there is a warning in the validation of records, allows to save/modify/cancel the process.
    - free-text searches
    - Allow expand / collapse every section is an entry worsheet
    - When a worksheet for editing subfields (as inmarc) are now all subfields boxes, are content or not
    - Define a cross-searchable format by descriptors, authors, etc.. from the cataloging module or to call iAH

? Utilities
    - Request for MFN range to run utilities on subsets to avoid "time-out"
    - Improvements in the procedure of Global Changes
    - Improved export procedure to remove "ghost" fields which were generated during the process

? Language Files with labels and messages
    - Major revision of translation and updating
    - New option to present a consolidated table with the different translations of the messages in columns side by side

? Loan and reserves
    - definition of loan reports
    - definition of reservations reports
    - In the configuration an option was added to initialize the backup databases, suspensions, fines and transactions
    - Select what receipts to print in the circulation process and edit their configuration
    - In configuration of the catalogue source database an option was enabled to say if you work with copies or without copies and to enable / disable a loans system database
    - Fixed the problem with the control number when copying a record
    - Added a field to the situation of the reserve:
                 0 | Pending
                 1 | Cancelled by supervisor
                 3 | Copy assigned:  Copy is assigned when the item is returned and assigned to a reserve
                 4 | Copy provided: Copy provided when the user is booking the book copy to complete the loan process
    - Added new status in the table of suspensions and fines:
                  0 | Active
                  1 | Deleted by the supervisor
                  2 | Fine payed
                  3 | Not active: The status corresponds to suspensions that have expired
Ernesto Spinak

  .^.                                .^.
  ( )                                ( )
  ===                                ===
  | |  Ernesto Spinak                | |
  | |  spinaker at adinet.com.uy<mailto:spinaker at adinet.com.uy><mailto:spinaker at adinet.com.uy<mailto:spinaker at adinet.com.uy>>        | |
  | |  Montevideo, Uruguay           | |
  | |  tel/fax  (598) 2622-3352      | |
  | |  celular  (598) 99612238      | |
  ===                                ===
  ( )                                ( )
   V                                  V

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Message: 4
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 07:52:26 +0000
From: De Smet Egbert <egbert.desmet at ua.ac.be<mailto:egbert.desmet at ua.ac.be>>
To: "isis-users at iccisis.org<mailto:isis-users at iccisis.org>" <isis-users at iccisis.org<mailto:isis-users at iccisis.org>>
Subject: [Isis-users] Instrucciones para descargar la nueva versi?n de
        ABCD v1.2t
        <7A31013ECEFE9A47B6A502B4A259260B01562CDB75 at xmail31.ad.ua.ac.be<mailto:7A31013ECEFE9A47B6A502B4A259260B01562CDB75 at xmail31.ad.ua.ac.be>>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Estimados colegas,

hemos puesto los archivos disponibles para descargar v1.2t ABCD en la URL:

Esta p?gina presenta los 5 variaciones y conduce a un breve formulario para ser llenado - lo que nos permite hacernos una idea de lo que se descarga.
Despu?s de rellenar el formulario (s?lo haciendo esto en serio nos dar? informaci?n real para compartir!) el enlace de descarga aparecer?.
Cuidado: en funci?n de la variaci?n seleccionada, el paquete se encuentra entre 62 y 76 MB de tama?o. Si esto plantea graves problemas a muchos usuarios, vamos a ver si los paquetes se pueden dividir en partes m?s peque?as, por ejemplo, Apache / PHP por separado, WWW por separado y bases por separado.

Como esta es la primera vez que aggregamos ABCD por un servidor no BIREME no tenemos experiencia con la carga en el servidor de esta p?gina va a crear, as? que tengan paciencia con nosotros si las cosas pueden ir un poco m?s lento o el servidor no est? respondiendo siempre inmediatamente.
Tambi?n tenga en cuenta el hecho de que todo el sistema actual es m?s de diez mil carpetas/archivos (!), y multiplicar esto con algunos de los diferentes entornos inform?ticos (Windows, Linux de 32 bits, 64 bits ...) : no, no hemos revisado cada archivo, lo siento. Es por eso que necesitamos retroalimentaci?n de los testers voluntarios en condiciones reales.

Adjunto a este mensaje va un documento con algunas instrucciones. Se recomienda leer primero, esp. la secci?n sobre la instalaci?n de ABCD, junto con sus archivos posiblemente existentes.
Sus experiencias, tanto sobre la descarga y la instalaci?n y m?s tarde sobre el uso de la nueva versi?n, va a ser muy ?til si se comparte en esta lista de discusi?n!

Guilda, Ernesto y Egbert
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URL: <http://lists.iccisis.org/pipermail/isis-users/attachments/20130621/2a0975da/attachment-0001.pdf>


Message: 5
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 07:53:31 +0000
From: De Smet Egbert <egbert.desmet at ua.ac.be<mailto:egbert.desmet at ua.ac.be>>
To: "isis-users at iccisis.org<mailto:isis-users at iccisis.org>" <isis-users at iccisis.org<mailto:isis-users at iccisis.org>>
Subject: [Isis-users] download URL for testing ABCD version
        1.2transitional (English)
        <7A31013ECEFE9A47B6A502B4A259260B01562CDB88 at xmail31.ad.ua.ac.be<mailto:7A31013ECEFE9A47B6A502B4A259260B01562CDB88 at xmail31.ad.ua.ac.be>>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"

Dear colleagues,

we have made the files available for downloading ABCD v1.2t at the URL :

This page presents all 5 variations and leads to a short form to be filled in - which allows us to get an idea of who is downloading.
After filling in the form (only doing this seriously will give us real information to share !) the download link will pop up.
Beware : depending on variation chosen, the package is in between 62 and 76 Mb size. If this poses severe problems for many users, we will see if the packages can be divided up into smaller chunks, e.g. Apache/PHP separately, WWW separately and bases separately.

As this is the first time we avail ABCD from a non-BIREME server we have no experience with the load on the server this page will create, so bear with us if things might go a bit slow or the server is not always responding immediately.
Also be aware of the fact that the whole system now is over 10000 folders/files (!), and multiply this with some different computer environments (Windows, Linux, 32-bits, 64bits...), so : no, we didn't check again every single file, sorry. That is why we need feedback from voluntary testers in real conditions.

Attached to this message goes a document with some instructions. It is recommended to read it first, esp. the section on how to install ABCD along with your possibly existing files.
Your experiences, both with downloading and installing and then later on with using the new version, will be very useful if shared in this discussion list !

Egbert de Smet
Universiteit Antwerpen
From: isis-users-bounces at iccisis.org<mailto:isis-users-bounces at iccisis.org> [isis-users-bounces at iccisis.org<mailto:isis-users-bounces at iccisis.org>] on behalf of spinaker [spinaker at adinet.com.uy<mailto:spinaker at adinet.com.uy>]
Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2013 9:06 PM
To: isis-users at iccisis.org<mailto:isis-users at iccisis.org>
Subject: [Isis-users] ABCD - release of version 1.2t (transitional) -   pre-release

la versi?n en espa?ol se envi? en un mensaje por separado
Dear colleagues

We are preparing to publish 1.2t ABCD version (beta) for all interested in the list to see how this version fixes and incorporates a lot of (new) features and functions.

We have had three rounds of tests with the help of a dozen people since last November, and we have reached a point where we thought it best to submit to a more general level and demanding tests by all colleagues who wish to do so.

This version will be in beta for a few weeks while we verify the reports and comments you make. Finally we will then post it as an official version and will replace the current version.

The download can be done from an address that Egbert communicate this weekend, so you can access it from next Monday.
To download the file you will be requested to fill in a form for the sole purpose of having a record of what people are working and which might be possible collaborators.

It will be available for Windows and Linux. The Windows version comes with Apache 2.4 and PHP 5.3 pre-configured. For Linux the configuration is to be done in the dedicated Apache installation (/etc/apache2).
In the download package some setup instructions will be given.

It is assumed that people who download the application will have previously installed and gained some previous experience with ABCD, and/or have some computer knowledge.

As it is not the final version, we have no ability to give basic support for the installation of ABCD to people without the necessary skills, that kind of support will be published after the official version. What we are asking is a review by our ISIS-community colleagues with some level of expertise, and there are many, as we know.

ABCD Version 1.2 features
? PHP v.5.3.11 compiled with Yaz compatible with Apache 2.2 and 2.4

? MARC21 - new version simplified FDT and Data Entry, with clean records
  check translations please

? New OPAC ABCD Site, version 5.3.1 of VHL of Bireme
    - New editor of ABCD Site  user: admbvs  pswd: adm at bvs

There is documentation in part (in Spanish only for the time being) at this URL:

? some fine tuning to work with new versions of browsers (not 100% but almost there)

? Multiple database folders using C:\ABCD\www\dbpath.dat

? Configuration
    - Parameterization: new parameters in config.php
    - declaration of isisac.tab and isisuc.tab in the file dbn.par
    - The use of syspar.par with file locations common to all databases
    - Settings/Folder Management for managing digital images and documents linked to records

? Field Definition Table, entry fields and formats
    - Text fields with fixed length character counter
    - Management of fields with the first subfield mandatory but without subfield delimiter
    - New handling of repeatable fields with subfields
    - New management options for date fields
    - Management fields whose first subfield is optional

? Data Entry
    - Entry Format improved with added options in the field definition table
    - Manage picklists or selection menus from the record editing process itself for administrators
    - Improved validation of records
    - Improved format Begin validation
    - Improved format End validation
    - Addition of a check format for validation when deleting records
    - Edition of display format of the record within the data entry interface
    - Add javascripts to display formats of records
    - Add multiple fields simultaneously from a database associated with a field
    - Copy current record to the end of the database
    - Add zeros (or not) to the left of the control field up to a fixed number of digits
    - The database picklist presents the full length term as pop-up when pointed with the mouse in order to differentiate terms longer than 60 chars.
    - If there is a warning in the validation of records, allows to save/modify/cancel the process.
    - free-text searches
    - Allow expand / collapse every section is an entry worsheet
    - When a worksheet for editing subfields (as inmarc) are now all subfields boxes, are content or not
    - Define a cross-searchable format by descriptors, authors, etc.. from the cataloging module or to call iAH

? Utilities
    - Request for MFN range to run utilities on subsets to avoid "time-out"
    - Improvements in the procedure of Global Changes
    - Improved export procedure to remove "ghost" fields which were generated during the process

? Language Files with labels and messages
    - Major revision of translation and updating
    - New option to present a consolidated table with the different translations of the messages in columns side by side

? Loan and reserves
    - definition of loan reports
    - definition of reservations reports
    - In the configuration an option was added to initialize the backup databases, suspensions, fines and transactions
    - Select what receipts to print in the circulation process and edit their configuration
    - In configuration of the catalogue source database an option was enabled to say if you work with copies or without copies and to enable / disable a loans system database
    - Fixed the problem with the control number when copying a record
    - Added a field to the situation of the reserve:
                 0 | Pending
                 1 | Cancelled by supervisor
                 3 | Copy assigned:  Copy is assigned when the item is returned and assigned to a reserve
                 4 | Copy provided: Copy provided when the user is booking the book copy to complete the loan process
    - Added new status in the table of suspensions and fines:
                  0 | Active
                  1 | Deleted by the supervisor
                  2 | Fine payed
                  3 | Not active: The status corresponds to suspensions that have expired
Ernesto Spinak

  .^.                                .^.
  ( )                                ( )
  ===                                ===
  | |  Ernesto Spinak                | |
  | |  spinaker at adinet.com.uy<mailto:spinaker at adinet.com.uy><mailto:spinaker at adinet.com.uy<mailto:spinaker at adinet.com.uy>>        | |
  | |  Montevideo, Uruguay           | |
  | |  tel/fax  (598) 2622-3352      | |
  | |  celular  (598) 99612238      | |
  ===                                ===
  ( )                                ( )
   V                                  V

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End of isis-users Digest, Vol 32, Issue 12

Dr Pawan Kumar Gupta
Jaipur  INDIA

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