[Isis-users] JISIS - Problems Importing ISO Files -andPFTFormats

Giuzzo Barbaro g.barbaro at mclink.net
Mon Apr 28 22:37:26 CEST 2014

OK Jean-Claude, I'll try tomorrow and I'll let you know the results.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jean-Claude Dauphin 
  To: Giuzzo Barbaro 
  Cc: De Smet Egbert ; <isis-users at iccisis.org> 
  Sent: Monday, April 28, 2014 10:25 PM
  Subject: Re: [Isis-users] JISIS - Problems Importing ISO Files -andPFTFormats

  Dear Giuzzo,

  I think that you can edit the ISO file with a text editor and replace the % character by another one such as  the & character. I am not sure but it may work.

  Best wishes,

  On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 9:20 PM, Giuzzo Barbaro <g.barbaro at mclink.net> wrote:

    Dear Egbert and Jean-Claude

    many thanks for your valuable hints. It seems now to be working ...!  :-)

    Egbert, you' re perfectly right: the indexing technique 0 (instead of 5) in field 26 in the FST is a real mistake.
    I didn't even notice that in the JISIS dictionary there was no entry "Z=xxx" (in the sample I sent).
    The very strange fact is that the (wrong) syntax (26, 0, mpu,"Z="V26) in the FST worked perfectly for more than 20 years in hundreds and hundreds of libraries using TECAdb in the CDS/ISIS-WinISIS versions (!?)  (in facts you can easily check that in the sample ISIS "DOS" version I attached to the mail, you can find all the "Z=" terms in the Inverted file, despite the wrong syntax!).

    Anyway, I changed the FST as you suggested and tried your test-PFT and it works!
    Now I'll try to change all the PFT's in a correct way (and may be I will need your help again, because now I'm getting some parsing error... :-(  )

    Thanks again

    (I'm still having problems with the repeatable subfields, as I told you...I understand that this is probably due somehow to a certain "misuse" of the repetitions)

    Kind regards


    ----- Original Message ----- From: "De Smet Egbert" <egbert.desmet at uantwerpen.be>
    To: "Giuzzo Barbaro" <g.barbaro at mclink.net>

    Cc: "Jean-Claude Dauphin" <jc.dauphin at gmail.com>
    Sent: Sunday, April 27, 2014 8:37 PM

    Subject: RE: [Isis-users] JISIS - Problems Importing ISO Files -andPFTFormats

    Hello again,

    no need to apologize, I only wanted to make clear why there was no immediate reply.
    Now, I checked your PFT and I think the problem is with the syntax.

    First of all I changed the line creating the 'Z=' entries, by making it technique 5 (instead of 0) :
    26 5 '/Z=/',mpu,(V26/)
    as before that I didn't see any Z= entries in your dictionary.

    Then I created the following PFT for testing the REF-function (e.g. called 'testref') :
    (if p(v27) then
    'V1='v1'  ',
    'V26='v26'    ',
    else 'no references' fi)

    and the output for MFN 2 is, in my opinion correct :
    V1=^aInferno V26=005555 V29=1
    V1=^aPurgatorio V26=005556 V29=2
    V1=^aParadiso V26=005557 V29=3

    Based on this output from the basic model PFT for the REF-function, I think you should be able to correct your PFT with correct output.
    If you don't manage, let us know.
    Egbert de Smet
    Universiteit Antwerpen
    From: Giuzzo Barbaro [g.barbaro at mclink.net]
    Sent: Sunday, April 27, 2014 3:49 PM
    To: De Smet Egbert
    Cc: Jean-Claude Dauphin
    Subject: Re: [Isis-users] JISIS - Problems Importing ISO Files -andPFTFormats

    Dear Egbert, Dear Jean-Claude

    Thank you for your kind interest.
    I am perfectly aware that you -and many people in the ISIS community- are
    working mostly on a "voluntary basis" for the ISIS project, and all of us
    very grateful to you for all the efforts (and the great work) you have done
    and still are doing for us.
    Therefore I apologize if I gave to you the impression to ask (or worse
    "claim"...!) for a quick solution: it was absolutely far from my intentions.
    I just wanted to share a problem with people having a much deeper knowledge
    than mine, thinking that maybe other people encountered -and solved- the
    same problems,
    and I sent the files attached to my previous mail because I was asked to do
    so by someone. In the last days I shared with friends living near me the
    great surprise and the honour of getting an (unespected) answer from you to
    my emails.

    (I can simply add that working on a "voluntary basis" applies somehow also
    to me-at a much lower level, as I was asked to solve this problem -on a free
    basis, of course, as usual...- by others who updated their machines to
    64-bit ones, and this is not "my" database - I am only a school Math
    teacher, with a little ISIS knowledge due to many years of usage.)

    Therefore it is not my intention to abuse your kindness and your time, not
    to put anyone in a hurry to solve my problems, please trust me. English is
    not my native language, and maybe some of my expressions are not a correct
    translation of my real thoughts and feelings.

    Kind regards

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "De Smet Egbert" <egbert.desmet at uantwerpen.be>
    To: "Giuzzo Barbaro" <g.barbaro at mclink.net>; "Jcd" <jc.dauphin at gmail.com>
    Cc: <isis-users at iccisis.org>
    Sent: Sunday, April 27, 2014 1:01 PM
    Subject: RE: [Isis-users] JISIS - Problems Importing ISO
    Files -andPFTFormats


    in order to fully check your problem (which is in fact the 'repeatable
    subfield' problem, something which originally was NOT envisaged by
    ISIS-technology) a careful setup is required and this simply takes some more
    time to be set aside for finding out. None of us is full-time freed from
    other professional responsibilities to deal with such issues, it is all
    about voluntary time and efforts, hoping to sustain the ISIS-technology.
    When we discussed the REF-function for J-ISIS the idea was to fully copy its
    functionality from WinISIS (in fact such 'run-time'-on-demand
    semi-relational capability is something other database technology is envying
    ISIS for), so that for sure should be tested carefully and if found wrong
    corrected. Maybe your data provide us with interesting testing data, that
    can be useful indeed.
    So, some patience please.

    Egbert de Smet
    Universiteit Antwerpen
    From: isis-users [isis-users-bounces+egbert.desmet=ua.ac.be at iccisis.org] on
    behalf of Giuzzo Barbaro [g.barbaro at mclink.net]
    Sent: Sunday, April 27, 2014 11:54 AM
    To: Jcd
    Cc: isis-users at iccisis.org
    Subject: Re: [Isis-users] JISIS - Problems Importing ISO Files -

    Dear Jean-Claude
    yesterday I sent this mail to you, with some attachments, but I got an NDR
    message from your server (message too big (?) - it was not so big, about
    160kB...). So I decided to cut the old conversations and try to send it
    again to you.
    Kind regards
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Giuzzo Barbaro<mailto:g.barbaro at mclink.net>
    To: MarĂ­a Mercedes MacLean<mailto:gaspyy at infovia.com.ar> ;
    Jcd<mailto:jc.dauphin at gmail.com> ; De Smet
    Egbert<mailto:egbert.desmet at uantwerpen.be>
    Cc: isis-users at iccisis.org<mailto:isis-users at iccisis.org>
    Sent: Saturday, April 26, 2014 1:46 PM
    Subject: Re: [Isis-users] JISIS - Problems Importing ISO Files -

    Dear Jean-Claude, Maria Mercedes, Egbert and all friends,

    attached to this mail you'll find some files (in .zip format) - 2 export
    .ISO files and the TECA db structure,  and an explanation (Word) of the work
    I have done, to explain in a simple (?) way the problems I have encountered.
    Thaks again for your help.
    Have a nice weekend
    Kind regards

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  Jean-Claude Dauphin

  jc.dauphin at gmail.com
  jc.dauphin at afus.unesco.org

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