[Isis-users] ABCD user administration: search for a particular user

De Smet Egbert egbert.desmet at uantwerpen.be
Mon Feb 2 14:50:45 CET 2015


you can open any database in ABCD as a normal database with all searching options available. Only the 'patrons' (or end-users) are by default activated as a database in the 'open database'-list, but also the operators-database (acces) can be opened in the database-list by adding it either through the 'database-definitions' menu or by simply adding with a text-editor the name of the database 'acces' in the list 'bases.dat' (in the main directory defined as being the databases-folder).
In the users-administration module the database is only presented as a list. It is not e.g. a spreadsheet where columns etc. can be sorted. The databases in ABCD are based on 'CDS/ISIS' and therefore organized in quite a different way.

Egbert de Smet
Universiteit Antwerpen
From: isis-users [isis-users-bounces+egbert.desmet=ua.ac.be at iccisis.org] on behalf of Freddy Kugelmass [freddy.kugelmass at imm.gub.uy]
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2015 6:41 PM
To: isis-users at iccisis.org
Subject: [Isis-users] ABCD user administration: search for a particular user


I'm kinda new on ABCD.

Just trying to set mey feet on this software, I came to the need to search a particular user/operator through the user administration screen.

It seems to lack the "search user" feature.

The top row seems to have a link, could be to sort using any of the columns name, id, profile, but it goes nowhere.

We have version 1.4 installed.

Any help is appreciated.




Ing. Freddy Kugelmass Dodel
Unidad de Apoyo
División Tecnologías de la Información.


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