[Isis-users] MFN's desordenados/MFN out of order

Piet De Keyser piet.dekeyser at ucll.be
Wed May 27 09:22:41 CEST 2015

Dear Luciana,

It helps if you can locate the exact spot where the problems begin. Check every 1000 records against a backup, then every 500 etc. until you have an idea of where the damage is. That may be in one or two records. After that you export and import the good parts and reconstruct manually the damaged records.

Piet de Keyser

Van: isis-users [mailto:isis-users-bounces+piet.dekeyser=ucll.be at iccisis.org] Namens Luciana
Verzonden: woensdag 27 mei 2015 1:49
Aan: isis-users
Onderwerp: [Isis-users] MFN's desordenados/MFN out of order

Ontem durante alguns segundos nosso servidor desligou-se, e ao retornar a base no Winisis estava corrompida, inicialmente indicando muitos milhares de mfns além do que temos, mas todos vazios e com indicação de apagados. Consegui exclui-los e não perdemos nenhum registro, porém os mfns mudaram. Um livro que estava no mfn 12343, por exemplo, agora se encontra no 12338. Tenho a base exportada, mas mesmo ao apagar toda a base de dados​ e importar o arquivo iso​ com os dados corretos a diferença de mfn continua. O que será e como posso resolver?

​ Franke Nebel​

Yesterday our server was down for a few seconds but enough to ​put my database on Winisis out of order. I lost no records, but the MFNs assigned are changed. A book registered on MFN 12343, e.g., now is at 12338. I erased the database and imported the iso file recorded before the problem but the MFNs are still changed. What can I do?
Luciana Franke Nebel

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