[Isis-users] format for image/book cover

Piet De Keyser piet.dekeyser at ucll.be
Thu May 28 21:50:50 CEST 2015

Dear colleague,

Just use some plain old HTLM in the display format you want to use (a pft file): e.g.

'<img src="cover1.gif" alt="book cover" width="100">'

and put that somewhere in a <td> you define in the <table> this pft uses. It involves some trying and testing.

Piet de Keyser
UC Leuven-Limburg

Van: isis-users <isis-users-bounces+piet.dekeyser=ucll.be at iccisis.org> namens bhowa tg <bhowatg at gmail.com>
Verzonden: donderdag 28 mei 2015 21:30
Aan: ISIS Users List
Onderwerp: [Isis-users] format for image/book cover


what display format do i use for displaying the cover of the book/document (thumbnail).

would like it to display at the top left corner of the display format. like the way it displays informato Cepal..

good day



bhowa tg
Infoprenuer, abcdZim.org
bhowatg at gmail.com<mailto:bhowatg at gmail.com>  IM & skypeID:  bhowatg
blog: http://bhowatg.blogspot.com
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"there are two equally dangerous extremes-
to shut reason out and to let nothing else in"
                                     Pascal, 1670

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