[Isis-users] Print report for multiple databases

Egbert De Smet egbert.desmet at uantwerpen.be
Mon May 11 22:40:51 CEST 2020


I is not fully clear to me what you want, at least not from you description. But what you are doing is this : you use the 'L'(ookup) function to identify in the TRIDI database the first posting (and only the first) for the key 'BASE=TRIDI' and from that record you retrieve some fields like v245 and v650 (title and descriptors).

Normally the key used with the L-function would not be a fixed one, but one constructed by a value (preceded by your prefix) from the actual record (in the catalog database). Now, with a fixed key, all REF-operations will go to the same (first) posting of the TRIDI-database.

Could you perhaps explain better what you want ?

Egbert de Smet
Universiteit Antwerpen

From: isis-users <isis-users-bounces+egbert.desmet=ua.ac.be at iccisis.org> on behalf of Soraya Ferraz Lima <soyferrazlima at gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2020 8:40 PM
To: Lista Isis
Subject: [Isis-users] Print report for multiple databases

Hello all!

I have two databases (catalog and tridi) and I would like to print a report with the data from the two databases using the print feature.

I tried to use the ref feature, but only the first record of the base is displayed.
Here is the format I used from the catalog base:

'<td valign="top">',v245^a,|: |v245^b,if a(v245^a) then ' ',fi,'</td>'/
'<td valign="top">',(v650+| / |),if a(v650) then ' ',fi,'</td>'/

'<td valign="top">',v245^a,|: |v245^b,if a(v245^a) then ' ',fi,'</td>'/
'<td valign="top">',(v650+| / |),if a(v650) then ' ',fi,'</td>'/

OBS. I have the 'BASE=TRIDI' configured in the fst of tridi database.

Is there any way to make the ref recursive or some other way to build this format?

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