[Isis-users] ABCD Windows install

Roger C. Guilherme rogercguilherme at gmail.com
Mon Sep 4 16:28:30 CEST 2023

Hi, Edwin.

Great news! There is no fixed rule for installation, Xampp, like Apache on
Linux, allows the application to be placed in different directories
according to the needs or structure of the environment.

In the case of the Installer, I chose to use Xampp's htdocs folder and not
use the "www" folder that comes with ABCD. However, to make the process
easier to understand, when I explain to someone how to install, I recommend
keeping everything in www.

Different ways for different reasons.


*Roger C. Guilherme*Bibliotecário CRB10/1860
Fone: +55 51 992380849
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