[Isis-users] [DKIM] Problemas instalación ABCD 2.2

Maria Isabel Cuadrado Benitez Maribel.Cuadrado at uab.cat
Wed Jun 19 12:56:23 CEST 2024

I have already been able to access the central module and consult our database (FONS)

However, from IAH the query still presents the error: WXIS|fatal error|unavoidable|recread/check/base|

From ABCD, I have exported all the records to a *.ISO file, reinitialized the database and imported the *.ISO file.
When generating the inverted file, it gives me an error message:


I have changed the version of the isisuc.tab file but it still does not work.

Our database has the particularity that it adds the Catalan language. For this reason we had to compile, with the help of Ernesto Spinak, a sequence (ela.seq (contains: lúl|l·l), ela.mst, ela.xrf) that allows us to recover the Catalan character "l·l" (p . ex.: col·legi, col·laborar...) as a single character when generating the inverted file.
To generate the database, we follow the following process:
  - We export all the records to a file (todo.iso)
  - From CISIS we prepare the database (mx iso=todo.iso create=fons gizmo=asc2ans gizmo=ela -all now tell=10000)
  - From CISIS we generate the inverted file: (mx fons fst=@fons.fst fullinv/ansi=fons gizmo=gansuc actab=isisac.tab stw=@fons.stw now -all tell=1000)
  - Then we copy the generated files in ..\Fons\data

I understand that the problem must be the version of one of these files used (asc2ans, gansuc...) or the CISIS utilities
We always work with windows (both on localhost and on the server)

I would appreciate ideas for possible solutions.
Sorry for being so tedious

Maribel Cuadrado Benítez
Directora tècnica

SIBHIL·LA. Servei d'Informació Bibliogràfica d'Història de Catalunya

Edifici L Despatx L-219 Plaça del Coneixement
Campus de la UAB · 08193 Bellaterra
(Cerdanyola del Vallès) · Barcelona · Spain

T +34 93 581 25 37


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De: fred_train <fred_train en xs4all.nl>
Enviat el: dimecres, 19 de juny de 2024 11:27
Per a: Maria Isabel Cuadrado Benitez <Maribel.Cuadrado en uab.cat>; isis-users en iccisis.org <isis-users en iccisis.org>
Tema: Re: [DKIM] [Isis-users] Problemas instalación ABCD 2.2

Hello Maria
All usernames and passwords are located in database acces. This database is located in c:/ABCD/bases/acces.
If there is a problem with this database you can login with te emergency login.
Edit config.php and you will see at the bottom:
$adm_login="";                     // emergency username for administrator
$adm_password="";                  // emergency password for administrator
If you fill here your emergency password you can login with that username/password and check what the problem with acces might be.
Click on Users administration to see the user names and passwords in that database
[cid:part1.RovRSaY0.HhmedBNp en xs4all.nl]
You have all rights with the emergency login.

Op 19-6-2024 om 11:13 schreef Maria Isabel Cuadrado Benitez:
We are advancing!!!

I have copied the information from config.php.template into config.php and now it works.
The problem now is that I cannot access the central module because it does not support the user (abcd) and password (adm)
The message appears: Unauthorized or Expired User:

I try to change the user and keyword and it doesn't work. In which file is the information about it, to modify it?
[cid:part2.j9hUTzFe.lhAyFDyp en xs4all.nl]
Thank you

Maribel Cuadrado Benítez
Directora tècnica

SIBHIL·LA. Servei d'Informació Bibliogràfica d'Història de Catalunya

Edifici L Despatx L-219 Plaça del Coneixement
Campus de la UAB · 08193 Bellaterra
(Cerdanyola del Vallès) · Barcelona · Spain

T +34 93 581 25 37


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De: fred_train <fred_train en xs4all.nl><mailto:fred_train en xs4all.nl>
Enviat el: dimecres, 19 de juny de 2024 10:41
Per a: Maria Isabel Cuadrado Benitez <Maribel.Cuadrado en uab.cat><mailto:Maribel.Cuadrado en uab.cat>; isis-users en iccisis.org<mailto:isis-users en iccisis.org> <isis-users en iccisis.org><mailto:isis-users en iccisis.org>
Tema: Re: [DKIM] [Isis-users] Problemas instalación ABCD 2.2

Hello Maria
Please check your config.php with the template.
Your config does not contain all additions since your config. php.

The first warning tells me that you have a standard installation in Windows.
You might even consider to copy config.php.template to config.php

Op 19-6-2024 om 10:14 schreef Maria Isabel Cuadrado Benitez:
Recreo mi instalación:

He instalado Xamp con PHP (versión 8.2.12) y Apache (versión 2.4.58).

               >conf>httpd.conf (modificado: #vhost ABCD Include conf/extra/vhost_Abcd_9090_Windows.conf)   

El fichero:
Ha sido sustituido por la versión de mi anterior aplicación.

No he sabido ver las diferencias a modificar con el fichero config.php.template

Los errores aparecen en el fichero

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