[Isis-users] ODDS

Egbert De Smet egbert.desmet at uantwerpen.be
Tue Mar 5 18:39:56 CET 2024

attached is the only 'documentation' (in English) I found on ODDS. It is however a rather technical document (as expected), not an 'ODDS for dummies' step-by-step manual...
It by definition expects your ABCD-installation to be running fine and being complete, something not clear from previous communication with you - to the contrary.

Egbert de Smet
Universiteit Antwerpen
From: isis-users <isis-users-bounces+egbert.desmet=ua.ac.be at iccisis.org> on behalf of Aldo Levi <aldoeri88888888 at gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 5, 2024 5:15 PM
To: isis-users <isis-users at iccisis.org>
Subject: [Isis-users] ODDS

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como puedo configurar para que el usuario  pueda  ver los registros en ODDS
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