[Isis-users] la Comunidad Isis - ABCD se mueve

María Mercedes MacLean gaspyy at infovia.com.ar
Wed May 18 00:24:12 CEST 2011

Corpo da mensagem---------------------------------------- Abajo en Inglés (por maquina traductora)
Hola a todos. 
Ultimas noticias ocurridas recientemente que interesan a la Comunidad Isis - ABCD

Se realizó un Curso Avanzado de CISIS, IAH y manejo del ABCD-Site.
El mismo se desarrolló del 2 al 6 de mayo en ambientes de la Universidad Mayor de San Simón. En Cochabamba: El profesor invitado fue nuestro querido Ernesto Spinak y estaba dirigido especialmente para el proyecto de la Universidad de San Simón y con financiamiento de una agencia de cooperacion de Suecia. 
No fue un curso abierto, pero lo extendieron a otras universidades de Bolivia, y finalmente aceptaron a 5 personas de otros paises, -aunque se olvidaron de mi- hasta cubrir los 25 lugares que habían previsto. 
Nuestro querido colega de Chile, Carlos Kretschmer asistio y ademas, como fue su cumpleaños, se lo festejaron allí.

El objetivo general:

"Construir soporte para el uso, aplicación de tecnologías CISIS y herramientas desarrolladas por BIREME en la gestión y automatización de bibliotecas y centros de información y documentación"
Los objetivos específicos del curso son:

.Presentar las herramientas desarrolladas por BIREME (Centro Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Información en Ciencias de la Salud), usadas para análisis y control de calidad de bases de datos: CDS/ISIS, IAH (Interfaz de Acceso de Información)  y ABCD-Site.
.Construir soporte para la aplicación de las herramientas y utilitarios anteriormente mencionadas en la gestión, control de calidad y automatización de bibliotecas, centros de información y documentación.
.Construir soporte para futuros desarrollos en base a las tecnologías CISIS y utilitarios complementarios.
Esperemos que los asistentes cuenten un poquito mas sobre el Taller y que despues de desgrabar las clases, pongan algun material a disposición, ya que creo que capturaron hasta las pantallas de la maquina de Ernesto.
Esperamos que Carlos A.  Kretschmer, Jefe Unidad Sistemas y Automatización (USYA) Dirección de Biblioteca y Recursos de Información, Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez 
nos relate su experiencia 
Además que 
Egbert de Smet
Antwerpen, Belgium
Nos complete a sus relatos de Suriname sus idas y experiencias en la India y en Togo. Queremos saber como crece la Comunidad ABCD. 
Saludos a todos
Maria Mercedes MacLean
gaspyy at infovia.com.ar
3m at proyectoleonardo.com.ar
3m at bibliotecalista.com.ar
3m at mamercedesmaclean.com.ar
Visite nuestros proyectos
Hello to all.   
Last news happened recently that they interest to the Community Isis - ABCD  
It's was carried out an Advanced Course of CISIS, IAH and handling of the ABCD-Site.  
The same one was developed from the 2 to May 6 in atmospheres of the University bigger than San Simón. In Cochabamba: The invited professor was our dear Ernesto Spinak and it was directed especially for the project of the University of San Simón and with financing of an agency of cooperation of Suecia.   
It was not an open course, but they extended it to other universities of Bolivia, and finally they accepted 5 people of other countries, - although they forgot my - until covering the 25 places that had foreseen.   
Our dear colleague from Chile, Carlos Kretschmer attended and also, like it was its birthday, they celebrated it to him there.  
The general objective:  
"To build support for the use, application of technologies CISIS and tools developed by BIREME in the administration and automation of libraries and centers of information and documentation"  
The specific objectives of the course are:  
.Presentar the tools developed by BIREME (I Center Latin American and of the Caribbean of Information in Sciences of the Health), used for analysis and control of quality of databases: CDS/ISIS, IAH (Interface of Access of Information) and ABCD-Site.  
.Construir supports for the application of the tools and utilitarian previously mentioned in the administration, control of quality and automation of libraries, centers of information and documentation.  
.Construir supports for future developments based on the technologies CISIS and utilitarian complementary.  
Let us hope the assistants count a little bit but on the Shop and that after desgrabar the classes, put some material to disposition, since I believe that they captured until the screens of it schemes it of Ernesto.  
We wait that Carlos A. Kretschmer, Jefe Unidad Sistemas y Automatización (USYA) Dirección de Biblioteca y Recursos de Información, Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez 
relate us their experience   
Also that   
Egbert of Smet  
Antwerpen, Belgium  
Complete us to their stories of Suriname their goings and experiences in the India and in Togo. 
We want to know like the Community grows ABCD.   
Greetings to all  

Maria Mercedes MacLean
gaspyy at infovia.com.ar
3m at proyectoleonardo.com.ar
3m at bibliotecalista.com.ar
3m at mamercedesmaclean.com.ar
Visite nuestros proyectos

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Abel R. Monteiro 
  To: spinaker at adinet.com.uy 
  Cc: isis-users at iccisis.org 
  Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2011 3:02 PM
  Subject: Re: [Isis-users] iah on-line

  Dear Ernesto,
  I installed iAH as an independent application.


  Date: Tue, 17 May 2011 15:00:33 -0300
  From: spinaker at adinet.com.uy
  To: monteiroabel at hotmail.com
  CC: isis-users at iccisis.org
  Subject: Re: [Isis-users] iah on-line

  Dear Abel

  If you are using wamp with a so old version of Apache, I think that your PHP should also be very old
  Have you installed iAH 3.1 with ABCD, or you installed iAH as an independent application?


  El 17/05/2011 14:47, Abel R. Monteiro escribió: 
    Dear Ernesto, 

    I'm using windows. I can't change the version of apache. I did the changes you said but I stil got the same problem.


    Date: Tue, 17 May 2011 14:26:19 -0300
    From: spinaker at adinet.com.uy
    To: monteiroabel at hotmail.com; isis-users at iccisis.org
    Subject: Re: [Isis-users] iah on-line

    Dear Abel
    About your problem with iAH, or any other problem, please you should report your operative system, I guess it is Linux
    a) you are using Apache 1.3.31 which is a very old version, so I'd recommed you upgrade to Apache 2.x
    b) your databases are under the directory  Bases or bases ?
        because your iah.def.php parameters are using a capital letter B and maybey the installation is using lowercase "b"
    c) is you installed iah version 3, then your 
       should be

    I hope this helps

    Ernesto Spinak

    El 17/05/2011 10:12, Abel R. Monteiro escribió: 
      Caros Amigos, 

      Eu estou tentado instalar o IAH no nosso servidor... depois de ter feito as modificações necessárias, é claro. 

      O nome da base é BIB, e é este o link:  http://search.sia.cv/unicv/isis/iah/pt/

      Só que ao tentar aceder a base de dados tenho o seguinte erro:

      Not Found
      The requested URL /cgi-bin/wxis.exe/iah/scripts/ was not found on this server. 

      Apache/1.3.31 Server at search.sia.cv Port 80

      São estas as modificações que fiz no iah.def.php:


      Será que alguém pode me ajudar?

      Muito obrigado!
      Abel Monteiro

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isis-users at iccisis.org
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  .^.                                .^.
  ( )                                ( )
  ===                                ===
  | |  Ernesto Spinak                | |
  | |  spinaker at adinet.com.uy        | |
  | |  Montevideo, Uruguay           | |
  | |  tel/fax  (598) 2622-3352      | |
  | |  celular  (598) 99612238      | |
  ===                                ===
  ( )                                ( )
   V                                  V 

  .^.                                .^.
  ( )                                ( )
  ===                                ===
  | |  Ernesto Spinak                | |
  | |  spinaker at adinet.com.uy        | |
  | |  Montevideo, Uruguay           | |
  | |  tel/fax  (598) 2622-3352      | |
  | |  celular  (598) 99612238      | |
  ===                                ===
  ( )                                ( )
   V                                  V 

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  isis-users mailing list
  isis-users at iccisis.org
  To manage your own subscription options go to: http://lists.iccisis.org/listinfo/isis-users
  Or contact Henk Rutten: hlrutten at xs4all.nl
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