[Isis-users] Subir ISO al ABCD

Luis Peña yosoy1969 at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 11 12:36:10 CET 2012

Saludos Edwin:
Le sugiero que no sigas luchando contra eso. Nunca comprendí que a pesar de cambiar el parámetro de capacidad, siempre da error. Pero, un colega me explicaba, que parece una herencia traída desde el antiguo DOS de 8 a 16 bits, y cuya capacidad debía estar limitada a lo que cabía en un diskette (1.44 mb).
Mi sugerencia es que lo soluciones de dos formas:
1) Con el uso del utilitario MX. Creando una base nueva con el ISO y la FST de ABCD y luego sustituir el MST y el XRF y la FST. Todo lo tengo bien explicado en un tutorial que elaboré hace un tiempo y que forma parte de un libro que acabo de terminar.
2) El otro paso más sencillo es generar el ISO por partes que no exceda los 2 megas, y así se van añadiendo sin ningún problema.
Saludos desde Santo Domingo!

El 2012 y siguiente es el año de grandes cambios sobre esta humanidad, alinearse con Dios y la Madre Naturaleza, nos facilitará más facilmente el tránsito hacia la próxima dimención de la conciencia -- Luis M. Peña F.

--- El mar, 2/7/12, Edwin Hübner <edwin.hubner at gmail.com> escribió:

De: Edwin Hübner <edwin.hubner at gmail.com>
Asunto: Re: [Isis-users] Subir ISO al ABCD
A: airam at icrt.cu
Cc: isis-users at iccisis.org
Fecha: martes, 7 de febrero de 2012, 10:30 am

Usted puede encontrar 
una solución a su 
problemma en el capítulo 2.2 del Manual de ADCofABCD

2.2. CISIS
CISIS is the software developed by BIREME to handle ISIS databases from the Command Line in UNIX/Linux

or DOS/Windows. This sofware has been written in the C-programming language and hence the name of this
ISIS family member. CISIS mainly exists of a series of 'utilities', i.e. command-driven executables which

perform all types of functions in ISIS-databases, like creating records, updating and searching them, updating
the Inverted File, import and export and many other functions, sometimes unique in the 'ISIS Family', e.g.

joining records from different databases according to common keys, indexing and searching from different
Inverted Files for one database.
Actually CISIS as a set of utilities contains more than 25 different tools or executables. As this is not a manual

on CISIS, we will not deal with all of them, but some are worth being mentioned, certainly also because we will
use them for some off-line functions of ABCD.
2.2.1. The Master / Xross-reference tool : mx
The mx tool is the main CISIS utility, it could easily be baptised as 'CDS/ISIS for the command line', meaning

most things which can be done with (M)asterfiles and (X)rf-files - therefore 'mx' indeed - with ISIS can also be
done with MX. Just to give an idea we give the list of parameters mx accepts (as this list is given when invoking

the command in a command-line environment such as the CMD-window in Windows or a terminal-window in
UNIX/Linux. As one will see, too many parameters are available, meaning mx is an enormously powerful tool
for ISIS-database management, but it deserves a manual and training in its own right !

1'classic' refers the technology of ISIS since its introduction in the 1970's up to the introduction of J-ISIS and ISIS/NBP in 2009.
2This behaviour, necessary because of the variable length of records, makes ISIS less suited for very dynamic databases, such as

transactional applications (loans e.g.).
A glance at the many parameters show that mx can not only search ISIS-databases (bool=) but apply on-the-fly
GIZMO (string-substitutions) and ANSI-conversion (ansi=), join fields of records from different databases but

identified by their IF-entry (join= and jchk=), apply data-entry processes (proc=) and inverted file operations.
As CISIS comes in several varieties, according to the capacity of the databases and Inverted File keys intended,

we need to specify that for ABCD we will only use the '16/60' variety of mx and other CISIS-tools. This can be
verified from the information mx gives when invoked without any parameter as illustrated :
The most relevant uses of mx in this context of ABCD are :

1. import of ISO-records into an ISIS-database, e.g. the command :
mx iso=myISOrecords.iso create=mydb now -all tell=100
will read the file myISOrecords.iso and create an ISIS database 'mydb' without waiting for any user-input

('now'ait) and without showing any information on the screen (-all) but showing progress after every 100
records imported.
In ABCD we use this to import a larger quantity of ISO-records into a database, as a high number

and therefore long processing time would invoke the time-out of the web-server to stop the process.
2. index an ISIS-database, e.g. the command :
mx mydb ifupd/create=mydb fst=@mydb.fst stw=@mydb.stw now -all
will create an 'Inverted File' named 'mydb' using the mydb database with the indexing specifications given in

the FST 'mydb.fst' and omitting the stopwords listed in mydb.stw, again without interactive mode or output
(now -all).
In ABCD we use this to create an index off-line in case - as is often the case - the database is r

Em 7 de fevereiro de 2012 11:50, Airam Alfonso Guerra <airam at icrt.cu> escreveu:

Hola comunidad,

Hace poco comence el estudio e instalación de ABCD pero se me ha

presentado un problema con la subida de las ISO a la hora de migrar una

base de datos  al ABCD, en mi directorio C:\ABCD\php tengo los siguientes





En los cuales, segun los manuales, modifique la seccion:

Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.

upload_max_filesize = 2M

Por defecto trae 2M o sea que solo permite cargar ISOs al ABCD de 2MB, le

cambie el dato por 8M puesto que la capacidad por defecto que trae el

php.ini es muy pequeña con respecto a bases de datos que esten en el orden

de mas de 4000 registros como es el caso de algunas de mis bases de

datos,al realizar los cambios me sigue saliendo un error de exceso de

tamaño al cargar una ISO,por favor necesito que alguien me diga que estoy

haciendo mal o que fichero me falta por modificar en la configuracion.

Salud at s,


       "Si salgo, llego; si llego, entro; si entro, triunfo"   


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