[Isis-users] Workshop in Cuenca - English Report

Ernesto Spinak ernesto_luis_96 at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 22 22:50:07 CET 2016

              informe en castellano se envió en otro mensaje

      Dear colleagues


        Last week, 15 to 25 March, we had a new technical meeting of
        ABCD, where we can highlight four important points. 

        In the coming weeks more details of each will be sent, but we
        now are advancing these main issues.

        At the meeting we had the participation of experts and advanced
        programmers in the CISIS / J-ISIS technologies, from Belgium,
        Bolivia, Brazil, Cuba, Ecuador, Uruguay and Venezuela.


        version 1.5.1

        This is a very important upgrade, because it incorporates a
        substantial amount of features and enhancements that respond to
        the questions and requests made throughout 2015.

        A summary of the new features are in this page: http://abcdwiki.net/wiki/es/index.php?title=Taller_Cuenca

        a partially translation into English version is at:  http://abcdwiki.net/wiki/es/index.php?title=Workshop_Egbert


        Version 2.0beta - ABCD in Unicode

        This version, in addition to work in ANSI and UNICODE, also
        allows working with different versions of CISIS: 1660, FFI,
        BigIsis, which incorporates similar features to Dspace to manage
        full text (currently up to 1MB per record)

        Once the beta is consolidated, it will become the official

        In the course of this year we will begin to give instructions to

        With this version now we have a fifth language, Amharic, using a
        non-Latin alphabet.


        ABCD in J-ISIS - Alpha Version

        It is a developing version of ABCD mounted on the J-ISIS
        library, indexed with Lucene/Solr, enabling a technological leap
        of great importance to ABCD. The architecture and basic features
        of the project has taken more than one year of work by a team of
        technologists in the UCI of Cuba


        RDA and FRBR

        a seminar for RDA cataloging MARC format by Piet de Keyser,
        showing how to adapt a MARC database on ABCD. This course will
        have a separate report in the coming weeks.



        In the coming days it will be announced where to download the
        new versions and how to update already installed versions



        Ernesto Spinak


  .^.                                .^.
  ( )                                ( )
  ===                                ===
  | |  Ernesto Spinak                | |
  | |  spinaker at adinet.com.uy        | |
  | |  Montevideo, Uruguay           | |
  | |  tel/fax  (598) 2622-3352      | |
  | |  celular  (598) 99612238      | |
  ===                                ===
  ( )                                ( )
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