[Isis-users] Operator/date field in ABCD2.0f (2017-01-01) - subfields are switched

De Smet Egbert egbert.desmet at uantwerpen.be
Mon Jan 15 22:40:00 CET 2018


if you can't get a satisfactory solution with the gizmo operation, I can also elaborate the PFT-solution by checking on whether the subfield ^o contains alphabetic characters and only then swap the subfields.

Egbert de Smet
Universiteit Antwerpen
From: Ligia Dias de Freitas <ligia.freitas at pucrs.br>
Sent: Monday, January 15, 2018 8:14 PM
To: De Smet Egbert; isis-users at iccisis.org
Subject: RES: [Isis-users] Operator/date field in ABCD2.0f (2017-01-01) - subfields are switched

Hi, Egbert.

Thanks for the explanation but the PFT solution isn't viable since it would make the base inconsistente as I would have operator names in ^d and ^o (and dates too).

Juan González said it's this  ways since version 1.3 but it changed in 2.0b and now again in 2.0f.

I think I will do a gizmo/retag to ensure all data is in tha same subfield.

Best regards,
Lígia Freitas

-----Mensagem original-----
De: De Smet Egbert [mailto:egbert.desmet at uantwerpen.be]
Enviada em: segunda-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2017 11:10
Para: Ligia Dias de Freitas <ligia.freitas at pucrs.br>; isis-users at iccisis.org
Assunto: Re: [Isis-users] Operator/date field in ABCD2.0f (2017-01-01) - subfields are switched


the script dibujarhojadeentrada is a very complicated one (as the number of lines already indicates) and is maintained by Guilda Ascencio, so I prefer not to make any changes there now.
But there is a solution : use the replace-function in the PFT. The problem as you describe it is only that the subfield markers need to be switched (^o -> ^d and v.v.) on-the-fly, which can be performed in the PFT by the statement (if applied on v980 e.g. the date/operator field in our MARC21) :


This will show the field correctly, but if you need the real stored values to be changed, use a gizmo to perform the switch.

Egbert de Smet
Universiteit Antwerpen
From: isis-users <isis-users-bounces+egbert.desmet=ua.ac.be at iccisis.org> on behalf of Ligia Dias de Freitas <ligia.freitas at pucrs.br>
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2017 1:29 PM
To: isis-users at iccisis.org
Subject: [Isis-users] Operator/date field in ABCD2.0f (2017-01-01) -    subfields are switched


I'm testing Github's version ABCD2.0f (2017-01-01) and found a problem: the field operator/date (OD) is saving like this:
^o20171218 11:46:08^dligia

While in the version ABCD2.0b (2015-03-25) it salves like this:
^d20171218 09:25:05^oligia

The difference is that in the current version it saves the date in the ^o subfield and the operator in the ^d subfield but I think it should be the other way around as it was before.

The code seems to be in lines 1405-1407 of the file dibujarhojadeentra.php but I'm not sure if it's only there.

Is there a quick fix for this?

Thanks in advance
Lígia Freitas

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